3 Bedroom House Plans According to Vastu A Guide - Erin Kenyon

3 Bedroom House Plans According to Vastu A Guide

Understanding Vastu Principles for 3 Bedroom Houses

3 bedroom house plans according to vastu
Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and design, aims to create harmonious living spaces by aligning buildings with the natural forces of the universe. It is based on the belief that the earth is infused with energy, and by understanding its flow, we can create homes that promote well-being and prosperity. Applying Vastu principles to a 3-bedroom house can enhance its energy flow, positively impacting the health, wealth, and happiness of its inhabitants.

The Significance of Directions in Vastu

Vastu Shastra assigns specific energies and influences to each direction, making their understanding crucial for optimal home design.

  • East: Associated with the rising sun, the east represents new beginnings, prosperity, and growth. This direction is ideal for the main entrance, living room, and kitchen, as it invites positive energy into the home.
  • West: Representing the setting sun, the west is associated with endings, completion, and peace. Bedrooms, especially the master bedroom, are often placed in the west, promoting relaxation and restful sleep.
  • North: Symbolic of expansion, growth, and career, the north is considered auspicious for placing study rooms, offices, and spaces for creative pursuits.
  • South: Associated with stability, grounding, and authority, the south is ideal for placing the kitchen, storage areas, and rooms that require focus and concentration.

Optimizing Room Placement and Layout: 3 Bedroom House Plans According To Vastu

3 bedroom house plans according to vastu
Designing a 3-bedroom house adhering to Vastu principles is a balancing act, ensuring harmony between the built environment and the natural forces around us. It’s like arranging a symphony, where each room plays its part to create a harmonious whole.

Master Bedroom Placement and Layout

The master bedroom, the sanctuary of the house, should be located in the southwest corner. This is considered the “earth” zone, associated with stability, grounding, and restful energy. It’s a good idea to avoid placing the master bedroom in the northeast corner, which is considered the “fire” zone and can lead to heightened energy and restlessness.

Here’s a visual representation of the recommended layout for the master bedroom:

| Element | Placement | Explanation |
| Bed | South wall, against the wall, with headboard facing east | Promotes restful sleep and a sense of security. |
| Dressing table | East wall | Facing east allows you to greet the sunrise, symbolizing a fresh start. |
| Wardrobe | West wall | Provides stability and helps to ground the energy. |
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Children’s Bedrooms Placement and Layout

Children’s bedrooms are best positioned in the northwest or northeast corners. These zones are associated with growth, creativity, and positive energy. The northwest zone is linked to “air” energy, encouraging mental clarity and intellectual development. The northeast zone is associated with “fire” energy, promoting enthusiasm and creativity.

Here’s a visual representation of the recommended layout for a child’s bedroom:

| Element | Placement | Explanation |
| Bed | North or east wall | Allows the child to face the sunrise, symbolizing a positive start to the day. |
| Study table | West wall | Encourages focus and concentration. |
| Play area | South wall | Provides a space for active play and exploration. |
| | | |

Kitchen Placement and Layout

The kitchen, the heart of the home, should be located in the southeast corner. This is considered the “fire” zone, associated with energy, vitality, and abundance. It’s best to avoid placing the kitchen in the northwest corner, as this can create an imbalance in the home’s energy.

Here’s a visual representation of the recommended layout for the kitchen:

| Element | Placement | Explanation |
| Stove | Southeast corner | This placement enhances the flow of energy and promotes prosperity. |
| Sink | Northeast corner | This location allows for the easy flow of water and symbolizes cleansing and purification. |
| Refrigerator | West wall | Provides stability and helps to ground the energy. |
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Living Room Placement and Layout

The living room, the social hub of the home, should be located in the east or north. The east is associated with “air” energy, promoting communication and connection. The north is linked to “ether” energy, encouraging growth and expansion.

Here’s a visual representation of the recommended layout for the living room:

| Element | Placement | Explanation |
| Sofa | East wall | Facing east allows you to greet the sunrise, symbolizing a fresh start. |
| Television | West wall | Creates a balance between the east and west. |
| Coffee table | Center of the room | Promotes a sense of harmony and balance. |
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Bathroom Placement and Layout

The bathroom, the area for cleansing and purification, should be located in the west or northwest corner. The west is associated with “water” energy, while the northwest is linked to “air” energy. Avoid placing the bathroom in the northeast or southeast corners, as these zones are associated with fire and can lead to an imbalance in the home’s energy.

Here’s a visual representation of the recommended layout for the bathroom:

| Element | Placement | Explanation |
| Toilet | West wall | Provides a sense of stability and grounding. |
| Shower | North wall | Promotes a sense of cleansing and renewal. |
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Incorporating Vastu-Compliant Features

3 bedroom house plans according to vastu
Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, emphasizes creating harmony between humans and the environment. It suggests that the placement of rooms, doors, windows, and even the use of colors and materials can significantly impact the flow of energy within a space, influencing its inhabitants’ well-being.

Color and Material Choices

Colors play a crucial role in Vastu, each associated with specific energies. The right color scheme can enhance the positive energy flow, while the wrong one can create imbalances. For instance, using warm colors like yellow, orange, and red in the living room can promote energy and joy, while cool colors like blue and green are better suited for bedrooms, fostering relaxation and calmness.

  • Living Room: Yellow, orange, and red are associated with energy and joy, making them ideal for living rooms, fostering a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Bedrooms: Blue and green are known for their calming effects, making them suitable for bedrooms to promote relaxation and restful sleep.
  • Kitchen: White, cream, and light yellow are considered auspicious for kitchens, representing purity and cleanliness.

Significance of Entrances, Windows, and Doors, 3 bedroom house plans according to vastu

The entrance to a house is considered the mouth of the energy flow, and its direction and design significantly impact the overall energy of the home. Windows and doors act as pathways for light, air, and energy to enter and circulate.

  • Main Entrance: The main entrance should ideally face east or north, as these directions are associated with positive energy.
  • Windows and Doors: Windows and doors should be positioned to allow for good ventilation and natural light, promoting a healthy and positive environment.

Incorporating Water Fountains, Plants, and Decorative Items

Water fountains, plants, and specific decorative items can be strategically placed to enhance the positive energy within a home.

  • Water Fountains: Placing a water fountain in the north or east of the house is believed to attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Plants: Plants are known to purify the air and enhance the positive energy flow. Consider placing them in the living room, bedrooms, or other areas where you spend time.
  • Decorative Items: Using specific decorative items, like crystals, wind chimes, or religious symbols, can also contribute to the positive energy of a home.

3 bedroom house plans according to vastu – Yo, so you’re thinking about building a 3-bedroom house, and you’re into that whole vastu vibe? It’s all about good energy flow, right? But don’t forget about the bathroom! You might wanna check out some glass bathroom doors in Ghana for a modern touch that’ll keep your bathroom feeling spacious and zen.

And hey, if you’re going for that whole vastu thing, glass doors can actually enhance the flow of energy, too. So yeah, just sayin’, think about it! It’s all about those good vibes, man.

So, you’re planning a 3-bedroom house and want to make sure it’s totally in sync with vastu principles, right? That’s awesome! But you gotta be mindful of little details like condensation in your bathroom exhaust vent, which can totally mess with the vibes.

Check out this guide on condensation in bathroom exhaust vent to keep your home balanced and flowing with good energy. Once you’ve got those vents sorted, you can move on to the rest of your vastu-approved 3-bedroom dream house!

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